Sunday, April 21, 2019

Alignment of Academic standards with ELL Proficiency standards Essay

Alignment of Academic standards with ELL Proficiency standards - Essay ExampleThe soil and federal government have provided money to aid in the education of students with disabilities (Arizona incision of Education, 2008).President furnish in 2000 proposed what is famously known as No Child is Left Behind, which needed all students to visualise or attain set strict standards. The federal policy stated in the no pip-squeak is left behind that ELL students be included in State valuatements and measure or assess the wording proficiency of students with reliable, valid assessments in areas reading and writings skills and oral language. In addition, the educators were to consider comprehension, reading, writing, listening and verbalise skills of students. These assessments were to help students gain academic achievements as required by States. The main objectives of these assessments were to be designed to assess academic English. Under the no child is left behind act, it was stat ed that all students had the ability to draw their minimum competency level as long as the teachers were committed to their work.According to Arizona Department of Education (2008), in most cases standards are defined they are applied as a tense and expectations are lined on the individual. In public education sector there is the notion that light can be taught in that if the student fails to meet the requirements, the teacher or school is blamed for dour performance of the student. The state and federal government want to attain standards at all cost still in real sense do not.Arizona department of education states that the main objective is to check that high school graduates in the country have rough knowledge and skills they require for a flight or college. The converse of this objective should be that those students who do not have skills and knowledge for a passage or college would not graduate high school. For instance, if there two tests for certain things and the tw o tests

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